
The Northbothnian way of saying yes (Sw. ja)

There are many various dialects in Sweden, in Skåne, southernmost Sweden they use a lot of vocals and diphtongs, yes (Sw. ja) is jeou in Skånish, Roger is Rougörr. In Gothenburg yes is ja vesst. The Northbothnian, my way, of saying yes is the most timesaving way of speaking in the world, we say yes when we inhale. We say jo when we take a breath. It is like whisteling backwards. The Sames say it in a different way, they start in the back of the throat like a Hindu. Joo.


  1. Interesting ...
    i was lookng for information about Gallivare Frans, and came across these notes. I spent some time in Darlarna where the accent is also distinctive -long drawn-out vowels so "ja' can become "aaaaaaaaa"
    Some minor corrections for English (not a criticism English spelling is the worst of Old Norse, Old French, and AngloSaxon with a coating of Latin and Ancient Greek) "dipthongs" and "throat". Trout is a fish (forell).

  2. Hi Moz. Thanks for your comment, yes I know that trout is a fish, but it will be wrong in the spelling sometimes. The landscape Dalarna is spelled without an r in the middle. Dalarna had a big immigration from Finland in the 16;th century and Älvdalen in the north of Dalarna has a dialect, almost a language that nobody else understands. English can be considered as a pidgin language.
