
Tragicomic in the village

In the village were many original men, often bachelors with alcoholproblems. They had often nicknames as Tralle, Lukeri,Cat-Oskar,Bosso. Tralle was with his son in law in his Summerhouse on an island, they were drinking and the son in law fell into the water. I was told that it was only one meter deep, but instead of going up,he dug with his hands in the bottom and drowned. Tralle took him in the boat and went to the village, and when he came a shore some men stood there and he said I have a dead loss! When he was young he had told another boy to cut off his finger, and he did it. He had a lot of houses on the island, I called it Tralleville. R. is still with us, he has said many funny things, once when he had got his driving licence and bought a car, he was out driving with a friend and stopped in an emty road and opened the window and asked Do Miss care for a ride? His friend asked why he did that. I'm only practicing, he said. R.'s neighbour G. had committed suicide, an some Gypsies wanted to buy his house, they can't live where somebody has died. R. showed them the house, and when they came down to the cellar, there was a rope in the ceiling. There hanged G.! said R. The Gypsies ran out from the house. Cat-Oskar was known as a catkiller, he always chased me when I was a child, once when he chased me I went through a hole in the fence, he was too big, so he climbed over and teared his pants. He went to the sawmill and complained to my dad that he had teared the pants, but he had nothing for that. Once when he saw that I had climbed up in the top of a spruce (gran), he cut off the branches below afterwards so I couldn't go up there again. When I was older and working a week in a factory, he came and said that you have been shooting with a gun. I could proove that it was somebody else he had seen, I was at the factory when he said that he had seen me. I never understood that man, once he throwed ice on me too. Lukeri looked like Hemingway and drank everything with alcohol, they said when he had drank hairwater it smelled good in the toilet. He played accordion, and once when he fell into the water, he was floating on the accordion. My dad took him to an elderly home when he was nearly 80, and he had to make an urintest. He looked at the result and said; Real Brandy!
One man, B. fixed his girlfriend's false teeth with plastic padding. Finally, a man from another village was dancing in our village when a transvestite was there. He took he/she home, and his friends asked afterwards Ble de nå! Did you score! Yes! he said. I use to think of that when I see him.


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