

I have been interested in languages since I was a boy, when I was 10, I wrote frases in a book in different languages. Later I studied English, Latin, French, Spanish and I also like to speak the Kalix dialect which nobody in the Tornevalley understands. If I come to Piteå I fall into their intonation. Finnish is a natural part of my life as I live here in Tornevalley, but Meänkieli, Tornevalleyfinnish is mixed up with Swedish so I don't understand when it is OK to put in a Swedish word and just end it with an -i. Lastbil- Lastipiili, Buss-Bussi. It is fun to say something naughty in Kalix dialect here and nobody is offended because they don't understand what I say, for example, I must warn sensitive readers here, Kåål ne wo do wil,je kåål ne bolla. Call it what you want, I call it balls.
I have a special message to one of my readers, j'espe're vouz êtes en Caledonie quand le petit Ethan est ne'. I am also interested in dead languages, for example the Hettitians in Turkey were Indoeuropeans, 1300 BC, their word for water is watr.
Fascinating, and brother in Sanskrit is bratr. I have had some use this for as extra work in the evenings as a language teatcher. The different dialect variations here is a result of different colonisations here 700 years ago in the river valleys and isolation, no roads, only boats. I really like to understand languages, I am sorry that I don't understand Sami, I use to watch the Sami news on TV. I am the official flykiller at work, and I have a Latin sentence on my flyswatter, Nunc musca mortem occumberet, Now the fly meets a violent death. I try to find funny things in everything.

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